Spooky Ballets 2020
Thriller (Michael Jackson)
Choreography by Mr. Matthew Gasper
Amelia Smith Brannon
Anne Witteman Borowicz
Briea Freeman
Camille Miller
Chris Taylor
Dylan Johnson
Emma Citrowske
Emma Kulla
Grace Madsen
Grace Sather
Hannah Kleindl
Mary Beth Porter
Mara Lysne
Paige Schulz
Reagan Pederson
Reis Grotrian
Sara Durham
Sophia Lucht
Shawn Viseth
Sydney Glasheen
Spooky Ballets 2020
Día de Muertos
Choreography by Ms. Lindsey Setzekorn
Sara Durham
Sydney Glasheen
Dylan Johnson
Emma Kulla
Camille Miller
Anne Witteman Borowicz
Grace Sather
Paige Schulz
Spooky Ballets 2020
The Headless Horseman
Choreography by Mr. Matthew Gasper
Katrina Van Tassel : Sydney Glasheen
Headless Horseman/ Brom Bones: Reis Grotrian
Ichabod Crane: Chis Taylor
Bantus Van Tassel: Shawn Viseth
Baltus Van Tassel: Anne Witteman Borowicz
School Kids
Grace Sather
Mary Beth Porter
Reagan Pederson
Hannah Kleindl
Towns People
Paige Schulz
Mara Lysne
Grace Ann Madsen
Emma Kulla
Camille Miller
Briea Freeman
Amelia Smith Brannon
Dylan Johnson
Sara Durham
Emma Citrowske
The Evil Horse
Emma Kulla
Dylan Johnson
Camille Miller
Paige Schulz
Emma Citrowske
Sara Durham
The Legend of Sleppy Hollow by Washington Irving
In October 1790, Ichabod Crane, a lanky, gluttonous, superstitious yet charming dandy arrives in Sleepy Hollow, New York, a small village north of Tarrytown and New York City, New York, United States that is renowned for its ghostly hauntings, to be the town's new schoolmaster.
Despite his odd behavior, appearance, and effeminate mannerisms, Ichabod soon wins the hearts of the village's women and forms good friendships with his students. Brom Bones, the roguish town hero, does his best to bully Ichabod. However, he is very good at ignoring these taunts and continues to interact with the townspeople. Ichabod then falls in love with Katrina van Tassel, the beautiful daughter and only child of Baltus van Tassel, who is the richest man in the village. Despite the fact that he is falling in love with her, Ichabod mainly desires to take her family's money for himself. Brom, who is also in love with her, proceeds to compete with the schoolmaster. Ichabod wins Katrina over at every opportunity, although, unbeknownst to him, Katrina, who thinks Brom is too sure of himself, is only using Ichabod to make Brom jealous and force him to try harder for her affections.
The two love rivals are invited to the van Tassel Halloween party where Brom tries to swap a plump woman for Katrina who is dancing with Ichabod but comically fails. While both men dine, Brom catches Ichabod accidentally knocking the salt shaker over and nervously tossing salt over his shoulder. Discovering that Ichabod is superstitious, he decides to sing the tale of the legendary Headless Horseman who was apparently killed by a cannonball in a recent conflict and travels each year on Halloween while searching for a head to replace the one he had lost and that the only way to escape the ghost is to cross an old covered bridge over a brook. Everyone else, including Katrina, finds this amusing while Ichabod, on the other hand, starts to fear for his life.
On his way home from the party, Ichabod becomes paranoid by every animal noise he hears while riding through the dark woods, increasing his fear of the possibility of encountering the Horseman. While traveling through the old cemetery, Ichabod believes he hears the sound of a horse galloping toward him, but discovers the sound is being made by nearby cattails bumping on a log. Relieved, Ichabod begins to laugh with his horse. However, their laughter is cut short by the appearance of the real Headless Horseman riding a black horse (that is, suspiciously, identical to Brom's horse). After the ghost gives chase through the dark forest, Ichabod, remembering Brom's advice, crosses a covered bridge, which stops the ghost's pursuit. However, the horseman throws his flaming head, revealed to be a great big jack-o'-lantern, at a screaming Ichabod, who tries to duck, but is too late to duck, fails, then gets hit, and tumbles headlong into the dust.
The next morning, Ichabod's hat is found at the bridge next to the Headless Horseman's shattered pumpkin, but Ichabod is nowhere to be found. Sometime later, Brom takes Katrina as his bride. Rumors begin to spread that Ichabod is still alive, married to a wealthy widow in a distant county with children who all look like him.
However, the people of Sleepy Hollow insist that he has been "spirited away" by the Headless Horseman.